Chiropractic Wellness Care
Chiropractors are health care professionals who treat a variety of conditions related to the spine, emphasizing the dependency of health on the correct functioning of the central nervous system.
Chiropractors adjust or manipulate misaligned vertebrae (the bones of your spinal column) to restore the correct functioning of the central nervous system. They may also work with other areas of the body affected by the misaligned vertebrae. Chiropractors do this by using their hands and various technologies and instruments.
Chiropractors care for patients suffering from a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions such as headaches, numbness, abnormal curvature of the spine, muscle spasms, dizziness, and pain related to the back, shoulder, neck, chest, rib, arms and legs. Chiropractic techniques can even help some disorders related to stress, asthma, allergies, and more.